Friday, 26 April 2019

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Depicted in television and movies for decades, the world has formed its opinion in regards to the ancient Egyptians, who they were, how they lived, and what they looked like. Yet for all the speculation, much information is still in doubt when it comes to the ancient Egyptians, and many of their greatest mysteries remain unsolved to this day. Here are just three of the many unsolved mysteries of ancient Egypt.

The Pyramids. The size and scale of structures such as the Egyptian pyramids would certainly be impressive benchmarks for any society, but what’s baffling about the ancient Egyptians is that they built their pyramids with none of the technological advancements of today. Historians and archaeologists alike still struggle with questions of who built these pyramids and how they were built.

The death of King Tut. Tutankhamun came into power at the age of 9 or 10, making him the youngest pharaoh to ever rule over ancient Egypt. His death, however, also came at an incredibly young age, when he was a mere 19 years old. King Tut’s death has been shrouded in mystery not only due to his young age at the time of his death, but due to the very many things wrong with his body, which could lead to several conclusions regarding cause of death.

The disappearance of Queen Nefertiti. One of the few women to have ruled over ancient Egypt, Nefertiti’s body has remained unaccounted for to this day unlike many other pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Only adding to the mystery, there is no recording of her death in Egyptian history.

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