eBooks and audiobooks have taken reading into the digital sphere, in
order to reach their readers, authors have to consider online
marketing. Sites like Mediazenn
have a growing list of subscribers that provide authors with a
huge market of potential readers.
has a wide variety of audiobooks
and eBooks that are viewable on all devices. And, to tap into this
growing pool of readers, authors should maximize their use of the
various social media channels.
you are wondering how to promote your eBook effectively on social
media, here are three tips to help you out.
interesting teasers
the curiosity alive by revealing interesting snippets of your book
across different channels. You can post an image, statistics, or
quote from the book that is sure to grab attention and helps create a
buzz around your promotion.
social banners
a reader visits your social pages, it should instantly grab and
retain their otherwise fleeting attention. And, designing an
eye-catching banner does just that. If you create a cover photo for
your Facebook or Twitter profile, you can include an URL so that your
readers know where to go for more information.
the power of influencers
media influencers can help skyrocket the publicity of any product.
Their authoritative position and massive following in the industry
makes it possible for them to influence a large segment of the
consumers. As they are always looking to share valuable content, it
is important to connect with them and have them share something
related to your book.
the full potential of social media is essential for authors to
increase the popularity and sales of their eBooks.
It's important to market our services or products where our customers are available. For eBooks, social media platforms are one of the best things authors can use to promote. Out of 3 points mentioned in the blog, I liked how influencers can help in promotions.